How often have you wished that anyone in AV would just come over to where they are needed to take a graveyard, tower or whatever? With five chars at my disposal, I do no longer need to worry about that part. Since AV is huge and people tend to scatter all over, having focussed killing power is a definite advantage. Nowhere as good as when doing the same thing with the guild's PvP group (which I should have remembered without Xzin's reminder) but then considering the difference between able PvPers at each char coordinating over TS and me playing my five chars by myself, that should not be any surprise.
It gave me a very welcome and needed relief from a a very tough couple of days at work where I needed to rush to meet a couple of deadlines and could do little else but work and sleep. Horray for the deadlines being archived and the weekend being here!
/goes to queue for AV
Captn out.
Xzin here -
Of all of the BGs, I love AV the most. Being able to sneak in and take the final graveyard, solo Balinda AND take any node you want (holding it is another story unless you want to wait 5 minutes) is endlessly helpful.
Plus, after a while - people would start to follow me - knowing I was a source of free kills and progress.
Sometimes, somebody just has to get the ball rolling :)
Glad you are enjoying AV - keep us updated - sitting back and throwing out DOTs never gets old :)
Altherac :)
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